1945. The U.S. 10th Mountain Division in Italy. Then and Now. Second extended edition

Second edition extended of the book in which photographs of places and people are compared between 1945 and today
along the advance of the U.S. 10th Mountain Division soldiers in Italy,from the Gothic Line to the Lago di Garda and the Austria border.

Sales price: 30,00 €

This second extended edition of the book contains 12 additional pages of unpublished photographs yesterday and nowaday places.
After the book In My Father's Foxholes and Footsteps, which indelibly imprinted on card memories and the original photographic testimonies by Cruz Rios, soldier of the 10th Mountain Division, and in the following publication Gothic Line Bloody Red, where inside they found space: the history of the only Americans Division of Mountaineers together with the memoirs of officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the division as well as other original photographic testimonies in color taken between the Gothic Line, Lake Garda up to the border with Austria, now is published .... 1945. The U.S. 10th Mountain Division in Italy. Then and now. The photographic book compares people and places portrayed in the now distant 1945 with the same places and, in some cases people, nowadays.

The reader can observe the photos of a territory battered and torn by conflict, compared to those of the same places in our day, suddenly become an oasis of peace and beauty.

What amazes even more is the ability to identify children and young people, portraits in the photos of the time, turn into a moment in adults today. People who have not made mention of those events, sometimes for years, or that have instead handed down, in a discreet way to the loved ones, stories of events from the unthinkable tragedy. So unique and incredible that it would probably be worthwhile to collect them in as many individual works, to be saved forever on that fascinating and irreplaceable object to be held in the hands that is a book.

Italian and English

At the best bookstores, directly at the museum or on this website

Features of the book:
Size: 29.7 x 21 (A4) vertical
Cover: flexible plasticated
Pages: 184
Selling price: 35 Euro

ISBN: 978-88-944068-1-8
Info to:  info@sulleormedeinostripadri.it

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